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View a selection of Phillip’s writing below

(Article #13) Gold Medallist Perfromance

Gold Medallist Performance   By Phillip Fernandez (Human Strategist) Can we imagine thinking and performing like an Olympic Gold medallist? For most of us that would be an impossible task as we do know the dedication, sacrifices, discipline, fitness level and...

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Leadership Training Improves Management Effectiveness

Leadership Training Improves Management Effectiveness As the saying goes “Fish rots from the head first”. All employees in every business or organisation need role models, which come in the form of the managers you employ. They are at the top of the line and so it...

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The 5 Key Success Principles in Business

The 5 Key Success Principles in Business By Phillip Fernandez (ABNLP) (NSAA) Human Strategist Who is the most important investment ?...........It is Yourself of course.. What are your success principles and what does it take to be a success?  What is the definition of...

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MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKING Posted on 10 Mar 2015 A Motivational Speaker or some say Inspirational Speaker is a speaker who makes speeches intended to motivate,inspire, enroll or even engage an audience to reflect and then to take action. Companies or organizations may...

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